CSI - Center for Strategic Initiatives
CSI - Center for Strategic Initiatives

Scientific Projects

by Utepov Elbek

№АР08052033 "Development and pilot industrial implementation of an embedded wireless sensor for non-destructive testing and monitoring of reinforced concrete structures" with grant funding for young scientists for 2021-2023
Traditional methods of concrete strength control do not give a full dynamic view of the internal processes occurring in the body of the structure. Also, due to the considerable laboriousness and cost, the control of strength development using standard samples and non-destructive testing devices is often limited to only three measurements on days 3, 7 and 28, excluding the possibility of monitoring. These shortcomings can be compensated for by using built-in sensors that continuously measure the internal characteristics of concrete during hardening, allowing for strength control and monitoring of the structure in real time. The sensors planned for development within the framework of this project are focused on import substitution of its foreign counterparts, and will differ in lower cost and expanded functionality.

Development and pilot industrial implementation of a built-in sensor for wireless non-destructive testing of reinforced concrete structures, which allows monitoring data on the current strength of concrete, internal temperature and humidity using special software.

Expected Results
► 2 articles will be published in reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by KOKSON).
► 1 scientific article will be published in collections of international conferences abroad.
► 1 collective monograph will be published.
► 2 scientific articles will be published in peer-reviewed foreign scientific journals indexed by international databases Web of Science, included either in 1 (first), or 2 (second), or 3 (third) quartiles in scientific direction and (or) having a percentile in Cite Score in the Scopus database is not less than 35 (thirty five) in scientific direction.

Achieved Results
► The certificate of type approval of the measuring instrument and the certificate for the sensor software were obtained
Measuring instrument type approval certificate and sensor software certificate.
► Technological regulations for monitoring reinforced concrete structures with wireless built-in sensors have been prepared, testified by the manufacturer and at least one construction organization.
► 1 sensor software copyright was received.
Copyright for the computer program: “Utepov Y.B. Certificate No. 14377 dated 01/12/2021 - A set of software for wireless monitoring of concrete strength.
► 2 articles were published in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by COXON).
1) Utepov E.B., Tulebekova A.S., Akhmetov D.A., Root E.N., Zharasov Sh.Zh. Method for determining the degree of influence of heating temperature on the strength of concrete based on isotherms. KazGASA Bulletin 1 (79): ISSN 1680-080X, Almaty, 2021, p. 294-299. Impact factor 0.131.
2) Utepov E.B., Tulebekova A.S., Kazkeev A.B. Development of an IT architecture for a sensor for wireless monitoring of the strength of reinforced concrete structures. KBTU Bulletin No. 1 (56): ISSN 1998-6688, Almaty, 2021, p. 168-175. Impact factor 0.068.
► 3 articles were published in the collections of international conferences.
1) Utepov E.B., Tulebekova A.S., Zharasov Sh.Zh. World practice of using wireless sensors for monitoring concrete strength. Fundamental and applied scientific research: Current issues, achievements and innovations: Collection of articles of the XLI International Scientific and Practical Conference, January 15, 2021 in Penza, pp. 41-44.
2) Utepov E.B., Tulebekova A.S., Zharasov Sh.Zh. Alternative methods of temperature and strength control of concrete. Collection of materials of the international scientific conference "Science: Theory and Practice - 2021", 28-29 January 2021, pp. 365-370.
3) Ye. Utepov, A.Tulebekova, Sh.Zharassov, T.Zhussupov. Strength gain in the first important days of concrete life based on maturity method. Materials of international scientific and practical online conference «Modern engineering innovations and technologies» dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and World Engineering Day, 4 March 2021, Kokshetau, pp. 126-130.
► 1 patent was received for a utility model in the Kazakhstan patent office.
Utility model patent: “Utepov E.B., Khudaibergenov O.A. Utility Model Patent No. 6120 dated May 28, 2021 - Hardware and software complex for monitoring reinforced concrete structures using a built-in wireless sensor. 
► Scientific seminars were held. The results of the research were disseminated among potential users, communities of scientists.
1) Minutes of the scientific seminar in KazGASA, Almaty.
2) Minutes of the scientific seminar at the Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketova, Karaganda.
3) Minutes of a scientific seminar at the Atyrau Engineering and Humanitarian Institute, Atyrau.
4) Minutes of the scientific seminar at the South Kazakhstan State University named after Mukhtar Auezov, Shymkent.
Research Team

PhD, Associate Professor Utepov Elbek Bakhitovich - Scientific supervisor of the project
Scopus ID: 57211963527, Researcher ID: M-9719-2016, ORCID: 0000-0001-6723-175X)

PhD, Associate Professor Tulebekova Asel Serikovna - Senior Researcher
Scopus ID: 55356989600, Researcher ID:P-7820-2014, ORCID: 0000-0001-8553-3081

MA, Kazkeev Alizhan Baurzhanovich - Junior Researcher
ORCID: 0000-0001-6591-7440

Ph.D., Associate Professor Aniskin Aleksej - Foreign scientist
Scopus ID: 57201720016, Researcher ID: E-7467-2018 , ORCID: 0000-0002-9941-1947

PhD doctoral student Zharasov Shyngys Zharasovich - Junior Researcher
ORCID: 0000-0002-0468-8362

Information for potential users
The social effect expected from the project is the creation of new jobs. The adjustment of the production line and the sale of sensors across the territory of Kazakhstan stimulates the opening of offices in various regions, thereby providing jobs for the local population.
AP08956209 "Investigation of methods of temperature-strength control of concrete and assessment of their applicability" in grant funding for 2020-2022 with a period of implementation of 12 months
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the production and use of non-destructive testing equipment. These include methods for predicting concrete strength based on modern technologies such as built-in sensors and sensors. However, the requirements for them in Kazakhstan are not regulated, and are reflected in the standards of only foreign countries. And also, the existing approaches to the temperature-strength control of concrete, which would take into account all the advantages of each of the methods, are absent. The above circumstances substantiate the relevance of this study aimed at the formation of a unified approach to the temperature and strength control of concrete.

Formation of a unified approach to temperature and strength control of concrete.

Expected Results
► 2 articles will be published in a peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic edition with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by KOKSON).
► 1 collective monograph will be published.

Achieved Results
► 1 article was published with a CiteScore of 77 percentile in the Scopus database
Article in the magazine "Magazine of Civil Engineering", DOI 10.34910 / MCE.103.13
► A scientific seminar was held. The results of the research were disseminated among potential users, communities of scientists.
Minutes of a scientific seminar at Toraigyrov University, Pavlodar
Research Team

PhD, Associate Professor Tulebekova Asel Serikovna – Scientific supervisor of the project
Scopus ID: 55356989600, Researcher ID: P-7820-2014, ORCID: 0000-0001-8553-3081

PhD, Associate Professor Utepov Elbek Bakhitovich – Senior Researcher
Scopus ID: 57211963527, Researcher ID: M-9719-2016, ORCID: 0000-0001-6723-175X

PhD, Associate Professor Lukpanov Rauan Ermagambetovich – Senior Researcher
Scopus ID: 26031561100, Researcher ID: N-5931-2016, ORCID: 0000-0003-0085-9934

MA, Kazkeev Alizhan Baurzhanovich - Junior Researcher
ORCID: 0000-0001-6591-7440

Ph.D., Associate Professor Aniskin Aleksej - Foreign scientist
Scopus ID: 57201720016, Researcher ID: E-7467-2018 , ORCID: 0000-0002-9941-1947

Information for potential users
The implementation of the project can positively affect the development of Kazakhstani science, since now, according to the Concept, the third stage of reforming the regulatory framework for the construction sector is being implemented. The publication of the results of the project in the form of articles and monographs will give wide publicity in the scientific community and stimulate domestic scientists to new discoveries in the direction of the project. The expected social effect of the project is an increase in the qualification level of specialists.
AP09258790 "Development of an integrated approach to the placement and design of dams taking into account climate change and land use scenarios in river basins subject to urbanization" in grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023
For many years, dams have been used as structures blocking a watercourse to raise the water level and concentrate pressure at the location of the structure, as well as to create a reservoir. However, improper location and design of dams can lead to flooding of large areas, causing significant damage to settlements and objects of the national economy, as well as to catastrophic events with massive destruction. At this time, the design of dams primarily considers the amount of water that must be retained. But beyond this, other factors, the main of which are land use and climate change, can influence the behavior of the water that must be retained in the dam from the watercourse. This project aims to develop an integrated GIS-based approach to dam siting and design that takes into account the impacts of land-use change and climate scenarios. As the risk of collapse is reduced, safety is increased, which in turn protects human life and property, as well as the general environment in catchments.

Development of a comprehensive GIS-based methodology for the placement and design of dams, taking into account possible changes in river flow characteristics and the impact of changes in land use and climate scenarios using the SCS-Curve Number method for modeling river flows.

Expected Results
► 3 (three) articles or reviews will be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded of the Web of Science database and / or having a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35 (thirty five). 2 (one) article or review will be published in a peer-reviewed foreign or domestic edition recommended by COXON.
► 1 (one) utility model patent will be obtained
► 1 (one) copyright will be obtained from the Kazakhstan Patent Office.

Achieved Results
In the process…
Research Team

PhD, Aldungarova Aliya Kairatovna – Scientific supervisor of the project
Scopus ID: 56818984300, Researcher ID: AAQ-8856-2020, ORCID: 0000-0002-9248-7180

PhD, Associate Professor Utepov Elbek Bakhitovich – Senior Researcher 
Scopus ID: 57211963527, Researcher ID: M-9719-2016, ORCID: 0000-0001-6723-175X

PhD, Alagudzhaeva Manira Amankeldievna – Researcher
ScopusID: 57194380633

PhD, Associate Professor Tulebekova Asel Serikovna – Researcher
Scopus ID: 55356989600, Researcher ID:P-7820-2014, ORCID: 0000-0001-8553-3081

PhD, Professor Menéndez Pidal de Navascués Ignacio Faustino – Foreign scientist
Scopus ID: 57193797007, Researcher ID: Z-1870-2019, ORCID: 0000-0002-7053-1101

PhD, MkilimaTimoth – Junior Researcher
Scopus ID: 57217095406, Researcher ID: AAQ-3820-2020, ORCID: 0000-0003-1170-0494

PhD, Zharasov Shyngys Zharasovich – Junior Researcher
ORCID: 0000-0002-0468-8362

Information for potential users
The implementation of the project will have a positive impact on Kazakhstani science, since such studies have not been conducted here before. The publication of the results will give wide publicity in the scientific community and stimulate domestic scientists to discoveries in a similar direction.