Rating of regions of Kazakhstan,

III quarter 2021

Authors: Olzhas Khudaibergenov, Saken Idenov

December 27, 2021

We present you the next edition of the Rating of Regions of Kazakhstan. This time, the activities of regional authorities for the 3rd quarter of 2021 are assessed
In this issue, the methodology has been slightly changed - we have begun to calculate the quality of drinking water (indicator No. 14) in a new way, adding a macro-biological quality indicator to the sanitary-chemical one.

Of the 20 rating indicators, not only 9 quarterly ones were updated, but also 2 annual ones, since the annual values ​​are published only in November.

As in previous editions, none of the regions managed to score 100 points. The North Kazakhstan region came out on top with 76 points, ranking first in such indicators as: coverage of children with preschool education, the number of winners of national and international Olympiads, the sufficiency of medical beds, mortality from lack of safe water, sanitation and hygiene, as well as the infant mortality rate, the share of companies with foreign participation, the share of juvenile crimes.

Atyrau Region dropped to second place, losing 4 points. Of the updated 11 indicators, while maintaining leadership in investments in fixed capital of the non-extractive sector and the volume of local government expenditures per capita, the region significantly worsened its indicators in the infant mortality rate, the volume of services in the creative economy, the share of juvenile crimes and the share of the population in households below the subsistence level.
With 8 points (the highest score), the city of Almaty rounds out the top three regions, rising six positions. The city significantly improved its results in the share of juvenile crime, the akim's response delays to citizens' appeals, per capita local government expenditures, and ranked first in access to drinking water.

Zhambyl region showed slight but steady improvement in 8 out of 11 updated indicators, allowing it to move from 7th to 4th place in the overall ranking.

Nur-Sultan, which lost 4 points and dropped to 5th place, showed a significant decline due to worsening indicators in the share of juvenile crime and delays in responding to citizens' appeals. However, the drop was partially offset by an improvement in the volume of services in the creative economy.

Aktobe region climbed from 10th to 6th place. The region scored most of its points thanks to the indicator for registered cases of bribery and abuse of power, reporting zero such cases.

Akmola region rose to 7th place, leading in investments in the fixed capital of the non-extractive sector and in reducing delays in responding to citizens' appeals. The region also significantly improved its indicators in the share of juvenile crime, per capita local government expenditures, and the share of the population below the subsistence level. However, nearly every fourth water sample did not meet sanitary-hygienic or microbiological standards.

Among the remaining regions, West Kazakhstan region showed progress, scoring just over 6 points (the 3rd best result), which allowed it to rise from 15th to 11th place. Meanwhile, Karaganda region dropped 9 positions, from 3rd to 12th place.

Rating of regions, Q4 2020
Rating of regions, Q1 2021
Rating of regions, Q2 2021