Development of an integrated approach to the placement and design of dams taking into account climate change and land use scenarios in river basins subject to urbanization
in grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023
Utepov Ye.B., Aniskin A., Mikilima T., Shakhmov Zh., Kozina G. Potential Impact of Land-Use Changes on River Basin Hydraulic Parameters Subjected to Rapid Urbanization. Tehnički vjesnik 28(5): ISSN 1330-3651, Slavonski Brod, Croatia, 2021, p. 1519-1525, DOI: 10.17559/TV-20200808134641.
Aldungarova A.K., Utepov Ye.B., Mikilima T., Tulebekova A.S., Zharassov Sh.Zh., Abisheva A.K. Defining the boundaries and area of the Samarkand reservoir catchment based on digital elevation models. Vestnik KazNU. Bulletin-Geography 3(62): ISSN 1563-0234, Almaty, 2021, стр. 34-42, DOI: 10.26577/JGEM.2021.v62.i3.03. Impact factor: 0.049.