Investigation of methods of temperature-strength control of concrete and assessment of their applicability


grant funding for 2020-2022 with a period of implementation of 12 months

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the production and use of non-destructive testing equipment. These include methods for predicting concrete strength based on modern technologies such as built-in sensors and sensors. However, the requirements for them in Kazakhstan are not regulated, and are reflected in the standards of only foreign countries. And also, the existing approaches to the temperature-strength control of concrete, which would take into account all the advantages of each of the methods, are absent. The above circumstances substantiate the relevance of this study aimed at the formation of a unified approach to the temperature and strength control of concrete.

Formation of a unified approach to temperature and strength control of concrete.

Expected Results
► 2 articles will be published in a peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic edition with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by KOKSON).
► 1 collective monograph will be published.
Achieved Results

Article in the magazine "Magazine of Civil Engineering", DOI 10.34910 / MCE.103.13

Minutes of a scientific seminar at Toraigyrov University, Pavlodar

2 articles have been published in peer-reviewed domestic journals with a non-zero impact factor (recommended by KOKSON)

Eurasian Physical Technical Journal, 3(37), 2021, 83-87, DOI: 10.31489/2021No3/83-87

Bulletin of the Karaganda university, 3(103), 2021, 60-70, DOI: 10.31489/2021Ph3/60-70.

2 articles have been published in peer-reviewed domestic journals with non-zero impact factor

BULLETIN of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 2 (135), 2021, 71-81;

Industrial transport of Kazakhstan, 2(71), 2021, 85-95.

Research Team
  • Tulebekova
    Asel Serikovna
    PhD, Associate Professor
    Scientific supervisor of the project
    Scopus ID: 55356989600, Researcher ID: P-7820-2014, ORCID: 0000-0001-8553-3081
  • Utepov
    Elbek Bakhitovich
    PhD, Associate Professor
    Senior Researcher
    Scopus ID: 57211963527, Researcher ID: M-9719-2016, ORCID: 0000-0001-6723-175X
  • Lukpanov
    Rauan Ermagambetovich
    PhD, Associate Professor
    Senior Researcher
    Scopus ID:26031561100, Researcher ID: N-5931-2016, ORCID: 0000-0003-0085-9934
  • Kazkeev
    Alizhan Baurzhanovich
    PhD Doctoral student
    Junior Researcher
    ORCID: 0000-0001-6591-7440
  • Aniskin Aleksej
    Ph.D., Associate Professor
    Foreign scientist
    Scopus ID: 57201720016, Researcher ID: E-7467-2018 , ORCID: 0000-0002-9941-1947
Information for potential users
The implementation of the project can positively affect the development of Kazakhstani science, since now, according to the Concept, the third stage of reforming the regulatory framework for the construction sector is being implemented. The publication of the results of the project in the form of articles and monographs will give wide publicity in the scientific community and stimulate domestic scientists to new discoveries in the direction of the project. The expected social effect of the project is an increase in the qualification level of specialists.